Doctoral Symposium

General Information

ISoLA 2018 will again host a Doctoral Symposium to provide young researchers with valuable scientific feedback and networking opportunities. Master and PhD students are invited to present their research ideas and projects, discuss them with the scientific community, and establish collaborations in their field of research.

The Doctoral Symposium will be held as combination of poster sessions and short presentations. Posters will be on display all along the ISoLA symposium, and generous coffee breaks will offer plenty of time for elaborate discussion of the posters. Additionally there will be a Doctoral Symposium session in the conference program, where all participants give short presentations of their work.


There are two options to submit work and participate in the Doctoral Symposium:

  1. 1. You can submit a regular paper to ISoLA,  selecting “Doctoral Symposium” as track during submission. The templates, requirements and deadlines of the general symposium apply in this case. If your paper is accepted, it will be published in the main ISoLA proceedings.

  2. 2. You can submit a research abstract that is structured and formatted according to this template and if it does not exceed four pages. Submissions of abstracts are accepted until September 15, 2018. Authors of accepted abstracts will be invited to submit a full paper to a post-conference volume that will be published in the open access journal Electronic Communications of the EASST at no charge.
All submissions must be made via the ISoLA submission system:


All submitted papers and research abstracts will be reviewed by members of the ISoLA Program Committee. The committee will use the following criteria:

  1. Relevance of the research to the scope of the symposium.
  2. Quality of the paper or research abstract.
  3. Stage of the research (taking into account if the student is at the beginning, middle, or end of their Master’s/PhD project)


The authors of the accepted contributions will be asked to submit a camera-ready version of their paper or research abstract and to prepare a printed poster in size A1 or A0 for presentation at the symposium. They must register for the ISoLA 2018 Symposium and present their work on site.


The accepted papers will be included in the main ISoLA proceedings.
The accepted abstracts will be printed and distributed to the Doctoral Symposium participants at the event, and their authors will be invited to submit to the post-conference proceedings that will be published in the open access journal Electronic Communications of the EASST at no charge.

Important Dates

For paper submission:
The deadlines of the main ISoLA symposium apply.

For research abstract submission:
Submissions are accepted until September 15, 2018.
Notifications are sent to authors no later than September 30, 2018.
Camera-ready versions must be submitted no later than October 7, 2018.


Please contact Anna-Lena Lamprecht ( for questions concerning the ISoLA Doctoral Symposium.


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